Published in catalog Arrivi e Partenze_Mediterrano, GIUDA edizioni (2012)

Unknown sports are the ones practised by women to survive the daily erosion of possibilities, the infinite obstacles that a deeply male chauvinist society has produced over the millennia.
The ironic and at times comic verve is vivid and unequivocal. For modern Goddesses Kali of the thousand arms, a fitness workout is not understood as the process of mortifying the body to which many submit in order to approach ideal models of plasticized femininity: rather it is the Olympic ability to conjugate identities, expectations, commitments and roles day after day. Unknown Sports, like many other works by this Turkish artist, needs no special subtitles. It speaks an iconic language that is immediate, although stylistically beyond criticism. Public exhibition, accentuated theatricality, soap opera excess (it’s the same story ladies, but told by more protagonists) creates a tableau vivant in which everyday femininity is posing, real and tangible. The unknown space evoked in the title, and which becomes public, extended, surreal, is the stone guest which takes the role of ripped away drape that inevitably displays something normally intended to be concealed behind the curtain.
We should not be deceived by Güreş’ versatility in employing photography, drawing, video and collage. The point of view is focalised, concentrated, and the poetics coherent. The propulsive centre of her multiform work – which has taken her in a short time to a qualitatively significant presence at international level – is the deconstruction of commonplaces, of stereotypes and of the codified maps that define political, cultural and gender-related identities. From her performance interventions, in which she takes direct actions, to her drawing, the vulnerability of social masks is the imaginary centre of this artist’s research. Through “the grammar of irony and of involuntary comicality,” writes Başak Şenova, she underscores “the brutality of life.” In this scrutinizing from a wilfully narrow keyhole there is neither moralism nor preconception. Rather a tragic farce in which it is always possible to fall into the whirlpool of the comic, understood in the Pirandello sense as “awareness of the contrary”, which is to say as contrast between appearance and reality. The appearance and the embalmed codification transmitted to us of the female image in the world of Islamic and in particular Turkish tradition, is completely overturned here, making us part of a femininity which belongs to us inasmuch as we are women who are revealed in their shared condition of subordination, but at the same time of Olympic athletes of destiny.
Born in Istanbul / Turkey in 1977
Lives and works in NY, Vienna and İstanbul
Selected solo exhibitions (last 3 years)
2011 Zwölf im Zwölften, Tanas, Berlin / Germany
Self-Defloration, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, Stuttgart / Germany
Nilbar Güreş, Rampa, İstanbul / Turkey
EIKON SchAUfenster: Nilbar Güreş - Undressing, Museumsplatz 1, Vienna / Austria
2010 Nilbar Güreş: Window Commision 2010, Rivington Place, London / UK
2009 Unknown Sports, Indoor Exercises, Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg / Austria
Selected group exhibitions (last 3 years)
2012 Desiring the Real, MOCAB Museum Of Contemporary Art Belgrad, Belgrad / Serbia
Wie zusammen leben? Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg / Austria
Der Mensch der Fluß Malerei der Donauländer, National Gallery Sofia, Sofia / Bulgaria
İstanbul Modern – Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans, Rotterdam / Netherland, Zwölf im Zwölften - Tanas, Berlin / Germany, Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna / Austria
2011 Dream and Reality - Modern and Contemporary Women Artists from Turkey, Museum Istanbul
Modern, İstanbul / Turkey
Responding to the New Moon, Galerie Tanja Wagner, Berlin / Germany
1st International Photo Festival, Bursa / Turkey
Tolerabilis, Toskanische Säulenhalle im Zeughaus, Augsburg / Germany
Der Mensch der Fluss, Donauschwäbisch Central Museum Ulm / Germany
The Daily Uprising, < rotor > association for contemporary art, Graz / Austria
Austria Davaj!, Schusev State Museum of Architecture, Moscow / Russia
Tactics of Invisibility, ARTER, İstanbul / Turkey
2010 Ex-Territory, Tel Aviv / Israel
Tactics of Invisibility, TANAS, Berlin / Germany
Where do we go from here?, Secession Vienna, Vienna / Austria
6th Berlin Biennale, Berlin / Germany
Curated by, Galerie Ernst Hilger, Vienna / Austria
Starter, Arter, İstanbul / Turkey
On Paper, Stalke Gallery, Kirke Sonnerup / Denmark
Not a Lens But a Prisma, Eugenio de Almeida Foundation, Evora / Portugal
The Others, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea della Sicilia
Derriére le rideau, une génération hors d’elle …, Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris / France
Tactics of Invisibility, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna / Austria, Ankara-Vienna, Gallery Nev, Ankara / Turkey |